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As of Wednesday, Feb. 12, it is recommended that patients, visitors, and staff wear a mask when entering UPMC clinical buildings.

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Patient Satisfaction

UPMC Somerset is fully committed to providing excellent patient care. If at any time you have concerns or complaints about your care, tell hospital staff. This will not affect your future care.

Expect a timely response to your complaint or grievance from the hospital. Complaints or grievances may be made in writing, by phone, or in person. The hospital has a duty to respond to these complaints or grievances in a manner that you can understand. To share your concerns with the hospital, patients have a few options to accomplish this important part of your care. If you are still an inpatient, please request to speak with your Unit Director who will be happy to talk with you and address your concerns immediately. If you have been discharged and would like to discuss your concerns, please contact the Patient Care Liaison at (814) 443-5809. You may also request to speak to the Department Director of the department where you have concerns through the hospital operator at (814) 443-5000.

The Pennsylvania Department of Health is also available to assist you with any questions or concerns about your hospital care. You can reach the Department of Health by calling (800) 254-5164 or writing:

Acute and Ambulatory Care Services
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Room 532 Health and Welfare Building
625 Forster Street
Harrisburg, PA 17120

The Joint Commission

UPMC Somerset and Affiliate Offices are accredited by the Joint Commission. If a patient feels that his or her concerns about care or patient safety have not been addressed by the hospital, the patient may contact the Joint Commission’s Office of Quality and Patient Safety by phone at 1-800-994-6610 or by email at

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