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As of Wednesday, Feb. 12, it is recommended that patients, visitors, and staff wear a mask when entering UPMC clinical buildings.

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Behavioral Health Services


At Behavioral Health Services we strive to create an environment that promotes recovery and resilience. We emphasize the importance of mental health and general medical care as the key to overall wellness. Behavioral Health Services Specializes in both adult and senior programs. At our 18-bed inpatient facility, we provide comprehensive mental health services for emotional and behavioral problems throughout each stage of life.

The Behavioral Health Services program at Somerset Hospital provides the most comprehensive continuum of care in the area. This allows us to play an integral part in providing quality and confidential patient services. We are committed to a philosophy of care that preserves the dignity and integrity of each patient.

Our Treatment Team

Our team, which has years of emotional and behavioral health treatment experience and knowledge, understands your needs and takes the time to make your treatment at Somerset Hospital a comfortable experience.

Our mental health team includes the following professionals:

  • Psychiatrist
  • Social Worker
  • Registered Nurses
  • Psychiatric Technicians

Adult Program

Our Adult Program provides patients with ways to successfully cope with life’s challenges and facilitate recovery. The program is designed to provide treatment for individuals that:

  • Are anxious or depressed
  • Have mood or behavioral disorders
  • Have thought disturbances and other emotional difficulties
  • Have attempted suicide or are considered a suicidal risk
  • Exhibit assaultive behavior due to a psychiatric diagnosis
  • Are a threat to others

Senior Program

Our Senior Program serves patients 65 years of age and older who are experiencing emotional problems including:

  • Depression and/or anxiety
  • Assaultive behavior as a result of a psychiatric or dementing disorder
  • Acute inability to care for self or comply with the prescribed psychiatric or medical health regimens that endanger the welfare of patient or others

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